John Robertson - CEPCA 2024

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 9 - 11, 2025

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 9 - 11, 2025

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

John Robertson

John Robertson

Fortlog Services

To thrive through critical moments, be it a crisis, change or growth, is to have more than a plan, procedure, or a policy, but an active, enthusiastic practise. Leveraging the principles of muscle-memory to enable leadership, people, and organizations thrive [not merely settle for resilience], means it must be a way-of-being not a task on a to-do list.

John Robertson, founder, and President of FORTLOG Services Inc., an established and trusted company with over 30 years in transforming critical moments in a variety of contexts. Strengthening leadership which people can trust and want to follow develops a culture where people want to work.

John provides the values-anchored approach for his clients to create purposeful, productive, ways to accomplish things. Integrating social intelligence thinking so motives and relationships enable people to fit in and flourish. Encouraging groups to get things done, and maintain good relationships with one another, fosters true strength through critical moments.

Inspired and driven by his values, John acts as a facilitator for his clients as they test, discover, and expand what they can do. He uses concrete, verifiable processes to help them achieve demonstrable, solution-focused results. Remaining faithful to his passion and values, John invests himself in his vocation without reservation. He provides spirit-filled, insightful guidance that his clients use to amplify their lives and their businesses. John truly provides “leadership that people can follow through storms.”

This is achieved through the values-anchored Run towards the Roar Ethos, after all,