David Day - CEPCA 2024

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

David Day

David Day

Manager, Emergency Preparedness & Business Continutiy
St. John's Regional Fire Department

David is a graduate of Memorial University, holding both a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He earned his Certified Emergency Manager certification in 2017 and became a Certified Business Continuity Professional in 2019. With 15 years of experience in emergency services, including 12 years in his current role with the City of St. John’s Regional Fire & Emergency Services, David is responsible for implementing the City’s Emergency and Continuity program. He also served as Executive Director of the Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada for four years. Before transitioning to emergency services, David spent 12 years in telecommunications, specializing in Enterprise Sales. A dedicated volunteer, he has contributed 30 years to Ground Search and Rescue and has been actively involved with the International Association of Emergency Managers, Canada Council Committees for the past eight years, currently serving as a Certification Commissioner.