Caitlin Buxton-Carr - CEPCA 2024

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Caitlin Buxton-Carr

Caitlin Buxton-Carr

Manager Health Emergency Management
First Nations Health Authority

Caitlin Buxton-Carr is a passionate professional working with the First Nations Health Authority Health Emergency Management team, ensuring operational readiness, response, and recovery for FNHA and 203 First Nations communities during various emergencies and crises. As the central FNHA contact for emergencies, Caitlin collaborates closely with federal, provincial, regional, and First Nations authorities, to coordinate emergency planning and response efforts in all stages of disasters, pandemics, and other crises impacting the health and wellness of First Nations in BC.

Before transitioning to emergency management, Caitlin dedicated herself to public service as a Primary Care Paramedic with the British Columbia Ambulance Service and later as a Registered Nurse specializing in emergency medicine. Her extensive experience includes working in rural and remote areas of BC, currently holding a position in the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Emergency Department. During her tenure, Caitlin served as a front-line worker throughout a global pandemic and a deadly heat dome alongside her colleagues. Recognizing a passion for upstream change, Caitlin is now pursuing a Master of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management at Royal Roads University, with a particular focus on researching community resilience in extreme heat events.