Ben Gallagher - CEPCA 2024

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Ben Gallagher

Ben Gallagher

Manager, Office of Emergency Management
City of Mississauga

Ben Gallagher is the Emergency Manager for the City of Mississauga, Canada’s seventh largest city, where he has worked for the past six years. The City of Mississauga was the recipient of the 2022 Prepared Community Award, presented by the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Canada Chapter, and the 2022 Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award in the Resilient Communities category, presented by Public Safety Canada. Much of Ben’s work focuses on effective community engagement and fostering social capital to increase community safety outcomes. Ben holds a Masters Degree in Public Safety from Wilfrid Laurier University, and an Honours Bachelor Degree from York University.