Mike Morrow - CEPCA 2024

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 9 - 11, 2025

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 9 - 11, 2025

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Mike Morrow

Mike Morrow

Account Executive
Juvare Canada Ltd.

Mike is a pioneer in the public safety and emergency management industries with more than 35 years vested in designing, developing and deploying crisis management software solutions. He started his career as a Systems Engineer with IBM Canada and has led several start-up companies with over 60 major crisis management systems implementation projects in North America, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, and Europe.

Mike has spent the past 4 years helping government agencies across Canada and along the US west coast to deploy the world's leading crisis management software - WebEOC from Juvare*.

Note: pronunciation of Juvare is “Joo-Var-EE" - a Latin word meaning 'To Help'.