Scott Cameron - CEPCA 2025

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Scott Cameron

Scott Cameron

Emergency Management Logistics of Canada

Scott Cameron is the Co-Founder of Emergency Management Logistics Canada, a new and innovative tool for EM resource management. EMLCanada views the the role and function of EM Logistics Sections as an “interface” with community, including businesses and community organizations. Scott is the former Manager of Social Planning for the City of Red Deer, where he was also responsible for the Emergency Social Services (ESS) program. In this role, he had the opportunity to be activated on numerous occasions within the City, deployed to the Slave Lake and Wood Buffalo wildfires, and facilitated a two-day ESS debrief following the Southern Alberta Floods. His exposure to disaster response and recovery started while in his role of Executive Director for United Way of Central Alberta during the Pine Lake Tornado. Scott has a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) from Royal Roads University with a specialization in Sustainable Community Development.  He understands community and social development deeply – a passion he furthers through his role as President/CEO of his consulting firm, bassa Social Innovations Inc.