Elise Paré - CEPCA 2024

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Elise Paré

Elise Paré

National Practice Lead, Climate Risk & Resilience
WSP Canada

Elise Paré is an engineer specializing in climate resilience, and is WSP’s National Practice Lead for Climate Risk & Resilience. She has over 20 years of planning, design and construction experience across-Canada and internationally for community water, sanitary sewer and storm water management systems.
Elise has played an active role in advancing climate-related infrastructure risk and resilience across Canada, contributing to the development of public infrastructure vulnerability assessments, policies, and incorporation of climate change into infrastructure design.

As a member of Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Practice Guidelines Committee, she contributed to the development of the Professional Practice Guidelines for Developing Climate Change Resilient Designs for Highway Infrastructure, is a contributing member of the Climate Change Working Group for the CSA S6 Canadian Highway Design Bridge Code and contributed to the Resilient Built and Natural Infrastructure Advisory Table for Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy.

Elise fosters strong communication and collaboration among teams and clients - an approach that helps her deliver complex, multi-disciplinary projects that reflect the interconnected nature of climate change planning. Using her depth of experience in climate risks and adaptation, Elise provides a tailored approach that has helped mainstream climate resilience across all infrastructure and municipal planning to build livable, resilient communities.