Mobile App - CEPCA 2024

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

September 15, 2025: Pre-event workshops
September 16 - 17, 2025: Exhibition & Conference

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Mobile App

Get ready for CEPCA!

Take advantage of the event day show planner mobile app. 

  • Make a list of must-connect-with exhibitors and communicate with company contacts.
  • Explore scheduled events & participate in select online education sessions.
  • Save sessions & appointments to your calendar.
  • Explore resources like press releases, brochures, and videos.
  • Plan your route with the interactive floor plan.

To capitalize on all of the of the mobile app features, once downloaded:

1. Create a Map Your Show Profile using your badge number (located in your registration confirmation email, or onsite after you've collected your badge.) 

2. Check off / turn on "profile sharing" if you would like to share your contact to network with other CEPCA attendees! 

Download on IOS

Download on Andriod
