2024 Technical Program - CEPCA 2024

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Shaw Centre | Ottawa, Ontario

September 24, 2024 - Invite-only Workshops
September 25-26, 2024 - Conference and Exhibition

Canadian Emergency Preparedness and
Climate Adaptation Convention

Experience Innovation and Expertise at CEPCA

At Canada’s National Disaster Expo, you will have the opportunity to participate in sessions led by top experts who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in disaster response, wildfire and flood management, and climate adaptation. These sessions are designed to offer deep insights into the most effective strategies, tools, and practices currently shaping the field. 


Gain CPD accreditation

The Technical Workshops has been accredited by the CPD Certification Service, which provides recognized independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements for energy professionals. Additional benefits include:

  • Engaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that your professional qualifications do not become outdated or obsolete.
  • Earning CPD points allows you to 'up skill' or 're-skill' yourself, thereby complementing your career aspirations.
  • CPD accredited programs, such as the CEPCA Technical Workshops, enable you to identify knowledge gaps and gain insights into the latest developments, showing a clear commitment to self-development and professionalism.
  • Receive your CPD accreditation certificate after the CEPCA Technical Workshops.
  • 1 CPD point is equivalent to 1 CPD hour. Each 30-minute session counts as 0.5 CPD hour (12.5 hours max can be claimed.)

2024 Technical Workshops Program

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Thursday 26 September 2024

08:00 17:00

10:00 17:00

10:30 11:15

Traditionally, emergency managers have focused their public education efforts on promoting individual, and household emergency preparedness. However, the effectiveness of many of the actions taken at the individual and household leve...(Read More)

Ben Gallagher

Manager, Office of Emergency Management

City of Mississauga

10:30 11:15

Indigenous Wildfire & Flood Emergency Response Coalition Wildfire and Flood Management Theatre

Both urban and remote communities are increasingly exposed to the risk of wildfire and flood emergencies. This presentation with review the evolution of an indigenous-led multinational industry supported wildfire and flood emer...(Read More)

David Robinson

Executive Director

TechKnowledgey Group

10:30 11:15

Our water systems are critical pieces of our ecosystems and community infrastructure which not only provides a life sustaining role, also carries multiple values and benefits. This includes its role in the social and cultural s...(Read More)

Elise Paré

National Practice Lead, Climate Risk & Resilience

WSP Canada

Virginie Brunetaud

Climate Strategist

Engineers and Geoscientists BC

11:15 12:00

Statistics Canada recently reported more than 12.4 million Canadians have directly experienced a major emergency with nearly three-quarters saying the event severely disrupted their daily lives. Specialists known as emergency m...(Read More)

Darren Blackburn

Program Director

Justice Institute of British Columbia

11:15 12:00

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) will provide an overview of the uses and functions of the Risk and Return on Investment Tool (RROIT) as it relates to identifying multi-risk flood areas (including riverine, urban overland, sanitary b...(Read More)

Emma Haug-Kindellan

Engineer, Watershed and Climate Change Risk Science

Credit Valley Conservation

Ben Gallagher

Manager, Office of Emergency Management

City of Mississauga

11:15 12:00

In the past century, many have overlooked the importance of generational thinking, ignored our world's interconnectedness, and pursued progress without considering adaptability. This presentation will showcase examples of commu...(Read More)

Myrna Bittner

Founder and CEO

RUNWITHIT Synthetics

12:00 12:45

The World Bank identifies five dimensions of social capital – trust, social cohesion and inclusion, groups and networks, collective action and cooperation, and information and communications. This session will explore the five...(Read More)

Scott Cameron


Emergency Management Logistics Canada

Dr. Jeff Donaldson

Principal Researcher

Preparedness Labs Incorporated

12:00 12:45

Data-driven Resident Flood Communication & Outreach Wildfire and Flood Management Theatre

Resident communication and outreach are fundamental aspects of floodplain management. If done successfully, they can have cascading positive effects. Providing the community with actionable flood risk information can empower th...(Read More)

JT White

Co-Founder & CEO


12:00 12:45

The City of Calgary is facing increasing risks from climate change, such as extreme weather events, flooding, drought, wildfire, and heat waves. These hazards pose challenges for The City's infrastructure, e...(Read More)

Pippa Cookson-Hills

Climate Adaptation Specialist

City of Calgary

12:45 13:30

Community and social resiliency are fundamentally linked to how closely connected we are to those around us and our access to social supports. Stress and social isolation have a profound impact on us individually and collective...(Read More)

Dave Brand

Director of Emergency Management

Red Deer County

12:45 13:30

Session Summary: Learn how data-rich aerial imagery captured by drones is being used by emergency preparedness teams to reduce the impact of natural disasters, and is also helping emergency response teams make critic...(Read More)

Bill Lakeland

Chief Executive Officer


12:45 13:30

Abstract Overview

 Our world is experiencing drastically changing weather and these severe episodes of flooding and fires are disrupting our traditional communication links such as Fiber, Cell or Microwave. Our presentation wi...(Read More)

Doug Harvey

VP Business Development, Sales & Marketing

Galaxy Broadband

Michael Kreiner

Global Land/Enterprise Sales and Business Development

Intellian Technologies

13:30 14:15

In the realm of disaster response and recovery, the efficiency, scalability, and rapid deployability of utility systems are of paramount importance. Traditional Relocatable Temporary Camps (RTCs), employed by the Canadian Armed...(Read More)

Aarya Shahsavar

Chief Executive Officer

Innocorps Research Corp

13:30 14:15

From coordinated harassment campaigns (e.g. spamouflage, Oct 2023) to information interference (e.g. Meta’s new block in Canada, Mid-2023), information incidents are increasing in speed, magnitude and complexity. A holistic app...(Read More)

Jennie Phillips

Research Lead, Project on Infrastructure Ecosystem Resilience

Media Ecosystem Observatory, McGill University

14:15 15:00

This presentation is a case study of working with equity-deserving groups in Calgary, Alberta. Equity-deserving groups are unequally impacted by disasters. They often have higher levels of social vulnerability and face barriers...(Read More)

Samantha Burdett

Business Continuity and Recovery Planner

Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), City of Calgary

14:15 15:00

The County of AlUla, Saudi Arabia, which is approximately 25,000km2 (3.5x Greater Toronto Area) is on an ambitious mission to create a global destination for cultural and environmental preservation, centred around the existing...(Read More)

Mark Davin

Water Resources Manager


14:15 15:00

Climate Resilience: Unlocking Cities for Disaster Relief Climate Adaptation and Innovation Theatre

2023 has the dubious distinction of being the hottest year on record, synonymous with burning highways and firefighter sacrifice. Future climate data tells us that summer 2023 likely represents the new baseline - hot, dry days,...(Read More)

Veronica Owens

Senior Advisor, Sustainability

WSP Canada

Gregory Manley


Architecture 49

15:00 15:45

The inclusion of Indigenous governing bodies alongside local governments is key to fostering resilience and promoting holistic solutions across all phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery...(Read More)

Kayla Pepper


Colliers Project Leaders

Anthony Moore

Emergency Response Services Manager

Nisga’a Lisims Government

15:00 15:45

VEXSL is a Canadian-based, veteran-owned, and operated industry leader, specializing in providing innovative and cutting-edge secure Disasterfield Logistics solutions with a primary focus on risk mitigation and proactive emerge...(Read More)

Cole Fouillard

Chief Executive Officer


15:00 15:45

Extreme heat events (EHEs) pose a significant challenge, particularly for vulnerable populations who often face heightened risks and barriers to accessing resources during such events. This presentation aims to outline a commun...(Read More)

Elaine Scott

Emergency Management Specialist

Innomergence Solutions

15:45 16:30

Rapid and Secure Mobile Communications for Emergency Sites Disaster Response and Recovery Theatre

Deploying secure, automated, zero-touch communication networks in emergency sites is crucial for effective response. Explore the specific challenges of setting up reliable communications in temporary locations and learn how to ensure...(Read More)

Steven Turgeon

Presales Security Expert


15:45 16:30

At Prodigy Fire Solutions, we understand that protecting public assets is crucial not only for the safety of the structures themselves but also for the security and peace of mind of the entire community. Our state-of-the-art wildfire...(Read More)

George Harris

Chief Executive Officer

Prodigy Fire Solutions

16:30 17:00

08:00 17:00

10:00 17:00

10:30 11:15

Municipal recreation centres are an integral part of a community’s social fabric. While the primary purpose of these centres varies based on local needs, and building design and construction, most are not intended for sheltering purp...(Read More)

Terry Piche

Director, Training, Research and Development

Ontario Recreation Facilities Association

10:30 11:15

The frequency and severity of floods in Québec province, Canada, necessitated the implementation of the Special Intervention Zone (ZIS) policy after significant flooding events in 2017 and 2019. This policy aimed to prevent the repai...(Read More)

Mahmood Fayazi


Centre RISC (Centre de recherche innovant en sécurité civile du Québec)

10:30 11:15

Canada’s climate has warmed and will continue to warm in the future, causing impacts including the intensification of weather extremes such as heatwaves, drought, wildfire, intense precipitation, and flooding. As climate impact...(Read More)

Casey Clunas

Policy Analyst

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Christian Araújo

Policy Analyst, Climate Change Adaptation Policy

Environment and Climate Change Canada

11:15 12:00

Capability-Capacity-Collaboration-Credentialing, The ingredients for a resilient emergency management system through Standards compliance. Capabilities are met, capacities are recognized, collaboration are sincere and genuine, and cr...(Read More)

Todd Livingston

Training Coordinator

Emergency Management Accreditation Program

11:15 12:00

On November 14th, 2021, British Columbia experienced an atmospheric river event which caused flooding in several major watercourses and catastrophic damage to the provincial highway network that completely cut-off access between Vanc...(Read More)

Shawn Clough

Business Centre Practice Lead


Jonathan Melvin

Project Manager

Stites Consulting Inc

11:15 12:00

Not only are communities in Canada’s north experiencing climate change impacts at an accelerated rate compared to the southern portion of the country, but the population is exposed to a vast quantity of climate-induced landscape haza...(Read More)

Rebekah Richardson-Duffy

Climate Risk and Resilience Advisor

WSP Canada

12:00 12:45

People with disability are at a heightened risk for more severe impacts of disasters based on intersectional, sociocultural, economic, and other factors that create conditions of vulnerability and/or resilience. The continuation of i...(Read More)

Michelle Yang

PhD Candidate

University of Ottawa/ NRC

12:00 12:45

The GSAR ICS technology solution integrates a state-of-the-art SaaS incident management application with real-time tactical situational awareness capabilities.  GSAR ICS will soon be accessible online for testing...(Read More)

Don Williams

Founder & CEO

CounterCrisis Tech

12:00 12:45

Location of Hazardous Chemical Facilities at your Fingertips Climate Adaptation and Innovation Theatre

Did you know that Public Safety Authorities can gain access to valuable data assisting them in the preparation and response to chemical accidents in their jurisdiction. It’s a free service and the portal leverages data gathered under...(Read More)

Pierre Manseau

Manager Environmental Emergency Prevention

Environment and Climate Change Canada

12:45 13:30


This presentation introduces the audience to operational applications of the PPOST methodology in emergency management planning.  It focuses on application of the PPOST methodology for disast...(Read More)

Steven Newton

President & CEO

Innomergence Solutions Incorporated

Dean Monterey


Monterey Management Consulting

12:45 13:30

As Canadians have witnessed over the last number of years, extreme weather events have become more frequent and severe. We’ve seen forest fires, hurricanes, tornados, and even atmospheric river events, often resulting in torrential r...(Read More)

Richard Gurberg


Équipement Creatium Equipment

12:45 13:30

At CEPCA, Stellar Futures will speak of its experience building a prototype Digital Triplet of Canadian rural, coastal areas to provide the targeted communication and alerts one needs during environmental emergencies – for improving...(Read More)

Gary Stairs

Founder & CEO

Stellar Futures

13:30 14:15

What is mass care? Who provides mass care services? How can mass care service providers better coordinate their work? These questions and more were explored by researchers from the Justice Institute of British Columbia, as part...(Read More)

Darren Blackburn

Program Director

Justice Institute of British Columbia

13:30 14:15

SBB, your partner for flood protection! Wildfire and Flood Management Theatre

With climate change and its consequences on the rise, it is now essential to protect communities against natural disasters, particularly floods, which threaten our infrastructure, our economy and the well-being of our residents.

...(Read More)

Mathieu Schaefer

Manager – Water Solutions

SBB inc.

14:15 15:00

The island of St. Martin in the Caribbean has had its share of disasters over the last decade: repeated devastating hurricanes and COVID-19 have meant economic meltdowns on their US and European-dependent tourism economy. In a natura...(Read More)

Carole Therrien

PhD Candidate, Anthropology and Political Economy

Carleton University

14:15 15:00

In an era marked by increasingly severe and frequent climate extremes, asset owners are facing unprecedented challenges. Record losses from natural disasters, interconnected global supply chain, coupled with the rising scarcity and c...(Read More)

Jack Guo


Kinetica Risk

14:15 15:00

Wildfires, hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, and a variety of other destructive events are contributing to an escalating number of populations displaced by disaster. While each community is uniquely affected, there is an urgen...(Read More)

Amy King

Chief Executive Officer

Pallet Shelter

15:00 15:45

Building disaster resilience across all phases of a disaster from planning, response to recovery is the cornerstone of effective emergency management. Resilience allows for increased capacity to absorb a shock to the system (such as...(Read More)

Bettina Williams

Program Manager, Credential Programs

Justice Institute of British Columbia

Dawn Ursuliak

Program Manager, Research Operations

Justice Institute of British Columbia

15:00 15:45

Emergency food planning is an emerging field of study and practice that has grown out of global lessons learned about being prepared to respond to increased food security and access challenges across sectors durin...(Read More)

Courtney Strutt

Emergency Food Plan Coordinator

Thunder Bay + Area Food Strategy

15:45 16:30

In an era where climate change is reshaping the landscape of natural disasters, the need for effective disaster response and recovery strategies has never been more critical. This presentation will delve into the...(Read More)

John Cooke

Business Owner

ServiceMaster Restore

15:45 16:30

An Early Warning System for Extreme Precipitation Risk Climate Adaptation and Innovation Theatre

Complex networks of linear infrastructure crisscross North America, with pipelines, railways, and roads facilitating the movement of people and goods. Much of this infrastructure was designed on the assumption that climate is s...(Read More)

Ben Kerr

Chief Executive Officer

Foundry Spatial

16:30 17:00

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Thursday 26 September 2024
